At the house I grew up in we had wild raspberries in our backyard. We never got more than a handful at a time but boy were they good. My friend Chris brought me these raspberries the other day. She and her daughters had gone berry picking the day before. I think they look beautiful just the way they are...and they taste as delicious as they look...
At the same house, we had a small vegetable garden in our backyard right beside our pool. The pool was really a wonderful "cement pond" (like in the Beverly Hillbillies and pronounced "see-meant pawnd"). The pool had to be painted blue and white every year and when I was older, I would help my dad with the cleaning and painting. We also had a tradition of painting a different cool graphic on the bottom of the shallow end each year. We had a happy face, the symbol for "International Women's Year", and the word 'diver' shaped like a diver among other creative ideas. One time my dad made a stencil from the outlines of my feet and we made a footprint path all over the bottom of the pool. My dad really had some cool ideas.
These peas-in-the-pod reminded me of my old house. I remember swimming and coming out of the pool near the garden so that I could eat fresh peas straight off the vine. I bought these peas to show my kids and tell them this story. We also compared eating fresh, fresh cooked and frozen peas.
hey ....i remember those footprints leading to the deep end and being very impressed and yet honoured to be invited over....
what a great story, is that who your creative streak comes from? actually it's more than a streak, it's more like a giant swath!!
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